
"Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, 
if there is any consolation of love, 
if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, 
if any affection and compassion, 
make my joy complete by being of the same mind, 
maintaining the same love, 
united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, 

but with humility of mind regard one another 
as more important than yourselves; 
do not [merely] look out for your own personal interests, 
but also for the interests of others."
- Philippians 2:1-4

Greg Malinowski

Senior Pastor, Media Lead

Born and raised in Georgia, Pastor Greg grew up knowing of God, but not having a personal relationship with God. He moved to Maryland as a teen and when he was 18 he started attending a church that taught the bible simply. During this time he made a decision to follow God with his whole life, and shortly after he married Jannette. They moved back to GA for ten years, serving God wherever He would use them in that fellowship. After a discipleship program led by one of his pastors his wife knew that there was a calling on his life to one day be a pastor. It wouldn't be until many years later, and a move to Oklahoma, that God would call on Greg to step into that position, and in June of 2020, Greg step into the role of Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel of Enid, Ok.  

Tim Start

Assistant Pastor, Men's ministry leader

Tim is in charge of the Men's Ministry, as well as the Maintenance of the building. He leads the Men's Breakfast studies. 

Amy Start

Children's Ministry

Amy is in charge of Children's Ministry. 

Brandi Porter

Women's ministry

Brandi is in charge of the Women's Ministry. 

Katie Anderson

Worship Leader

Katie is in charge of the worship team, and also leads the Coffee and Jesus Women's Bible Study.

Rocky and Kala Fisher

Youth Group and Clean Team

Rocky and Kala lead the Youth group, and also head up the Clean Team. 

Steve Passey

Church Administrator and Ride Share

Steve is the church administrator and also is in charge of the Church Ride Share service. 

Janet Coplen

Portico Book Store

Janet is in charge of the portico book store, and also leads the Women's Agape Study. 

Jannette Malinowski

Website and bulletins

Jannette is in charge of the website and bulletins.